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This beautiful sculpture of a Barn Owl and Mouse has been exclusively designed to grace your home or barn conversion.


The first set of images here, show the Barn Owl and Mouse as a work in progress. The process involves making a mould from the original sculpture using a number of liquid rubber layers. Once the layers are dry, the mould is reinforced with a robust synthetic skin. When the mould is finished, which is a 2 to 4 day process, the a sculpture can then be cast.

The owl and mouse can be attached to an existing beam or surface ledge. Alternatively, if you don’t have anything suitable, we offer a small corner beam option. 


A delivery and personal fitting service is also available. Each sculpture is life-size and retails for £1,600. Alternatively,the owl and mouse can be purchased separately, the owl for £1350 and the mouse for £250. The delivery and fitting service is available for a cost of £165. This is carried out by the sculptor. Please feel free to enquire and let us know what you require.

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